Spirulina For Weight Loss- Are you fed up of your weight? Have you tried FAD diets? Are you tired of eating food supplements which have lead your body into bad health? Have you heard about this Super Food – Spirulina?
This article with help you know about this Super Food which can help you achieve your weight loss target in a healthy way.
Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage and also boost up your immunity. It contains nutrients, including B complex vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamin E, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, and gamma linolenic acid (an essential fatty acid).

Diets high in nutrient-dense protein-rich foods like spirulina promote weight loss. Because Spirulina takes more energy to metabolize, for example, eating protein helps maintain lean tissue and contributes to fat burning the same way Spirulina works on the fat of your body. It can also curb hunger and overweight people seem to benefit the most. To maximize this benefit, try eating your high protein spirulina in the morning or during mid-day before meals instead of at night.
The science on how it works on your body to help you lose weight is explained below:
- Conquers Appetite: When you feel hungry your body is creating this effect because it is looking to fill its own need for nutrients. When you feed yourself poor-quality foods regularly, your brain will trigger your appetite in an effort to find what it wants, according to the Spirulina World website. Spirulina will increase the concentration of nutrients in your body and may reduce hunger pangs and cravings for food. One will feel satisfied, full and hunger is calmed down. This will reduce your calorie intake and give your body the nutrients which it actually needs.
- High in Protein Content: Consumption of spirulina on a regular basis is ideal for building muscle due to its high-protein content. Spirulina contains up to 70 percent protein depending on growing conditions, as well as all the eight essential amino acids. The digestive absorption of the protein in Spirulina is four times greater than that of non vegetarian food sources. Easily digestible protein in conjunction with an exercise plan will help build lean muscle mass, which will help your body burn more calories throughout the day and hence aids weight loss.

- Low in Calories: Spirulina is low in calorie as it a dense source of protein. Regular consumption of spirulina will provide you with a good portion of your daily nutritional needs, without any caloric consequences. This is the reason is considered safe and beneficial for people aiming at weight loss.
- Essential Fatty Acids: Spirulina is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids, and GLA, or gamma linolenic acid. The greatest concentration of gamma linolenic acid found anywhere is in breast milk, as it is used for the brain development of the growing baby. Gamma linolenic acid can also help regulate your blood sugar levels and controls insulin levels, which will in turn minimize the carbohydrate and help you lose weight faster.
- Lowers cholesterol and helps to lose weight: It can help lower down the cholesterol levels and help to lose weight. The abnormal levels of lipids in the blood stream increases the risk of heart diseases and stroke in diabetic patients. Spirulina, when taken daily, can decrease the blood glucose levels, total cholesterol and improves HDL cholesterol in the body and reduce the inflation that can be the cause of cholesterol accumulating in the bloodstream. Spirulina can also help to reduce the elevated blood pressure.
- Detox for the Body: Spirulina when consumed on regular basis has shown to remove toxins from the body. This detoxification enhances liver enzymes and protects liver from the harmful effect of toxins, when liver works properly it in turn improves your metabolism. Improved metabolism helps one lose weight faster.
When and How to Consume Spirulina
Doses: A standard dose is 500 mg ingested 4 to 6 times a day. Powdered spirulina can be added directly to juice, smoothies, shakes, milk or water and can be consumed before meals. Spirulina is also available as tablets and can be consumed as per the doses mentioned on the bottle.
When to Take it: The most ideal time to consume Spirulina for weight reduction is before a meal, it can be 15 – 30 minutes before having your daily meals. The idea to consume Spirulina before meals is to suppress the appreciate and making a little room for the food you eat and keep the portion size under control. Consuming it before meals will suppress your urge to overeat thereby decreasing your portion size.
Spirulina has the potential to stimulate the immune system of our body. For most of the people, Spirulina is an excellent supplement which is loaded with benefits, but individuals who have particular autoimmune conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis, generally should not take Spirulina for weight loss, because it can aggravate these conditions. It also can interact with a number of medications prescribed for immune system suppression, such as mycophenolate, mexotrexate and cyclosporine. People with phenylketonuria, a condition that makes it hard for someone to handle phenylalanine, an amino acid the algae and other foods contain, also should avoid this product. The supplement contains high levels of Vitamin K, so it isn’t good for people who are on anticoagulant medication. Although there is no such study found but it should also be avoided by pregnant and lactating women.
In today’s time almost everybody is relying on the goodness of this protein supplement and you should try too. Spirulina is a great choice for people looking for a healthier option to reduce weight.
One has no need to skip meals or work-out day and night at the gym. Combining the advised doses of Spilrulina with regular workout regime and a healthy diet will help one achieve the goal of losing weight faster.