Essencz is committed to empowering the patients with best treatment options available
Essencz is a medical listing portal, committed to empowering the patients with best treatment options available. Too much information often makes it difficult for the patients to decide on, the appropriate doctors and clinics which they should be visiting. Essencz tries to minimize the confusion by narrowing down the list. Usually we try to list 10 specialists, clinics or hospitals from each city. For compiling the list of top 10, our team at Essencz takes into account various parameters such as business’s reputation, history, complaints, ratings. We also refer to genuine sources such as Google reviews, peer site reviews and rating on other credible health websites. Ratings reflect the Doctor’s or Hospital’s Accuracy of diagnosis, Experience, Qualification, Infrastructure, Success Rates and overall services. Also this list has no specific order. All the doctors are renowned in their fields and have good reputation.
Essencz has highly engaged audience and helps about 300 thousand patients every month to find the best medical solutions in any city of India, seamlessly. Our listing compiles all information, including Name, Address, Phone and Website URL in one listing, so that you don’t have to search around for it. We do not hide any information from you. No sign-up, no payments, no middleman. You just contact the business directly and get an appointment with them.
Meet our Content Team
Our content team researches various parameters to bring you top 10 from each city
Meet our Medical Reviewers
Our medical reviewers check for accuracy and relevance of content. They also add their professional views in the articles based on their experience in medical field. They review the articles for medical accuracy based on their experience in applied clinical practice.
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Dr. Krishnendu Chatterjee is a Private Dental practitioner and Consultant Orthodontist | Dr. Shivashish Ghosh is a GDMO with WB Rural Healthcare. |